With student loan debt at an all-time high, exceeding both automobile and credit card debt in the United States, it’s more important than ever to save for your education as far enough in advance as possible. It’s never too early to start building an education fund for yourself or for your children. Use the building an education fund calculator to help you determine approximately how much you will need to save on a regular basis before college begins.
Now that you’ve started building and contributing to an education fund, it’s time to revisit how much you expect college to cost. Download ACCC’s financial workbook for pre-college and current college students for helpful financial information on how to keep the cost of college down including how to earn money from part-time jobs and scholarships, how to budget your expenses and earnings during and before college, and how to save money on everything from text books to rent to clothing and electronics.
You made it through college and now the time has come to repay your student loan debts. It’s important that you are aware of the different repayment options available to you. Visit the student loan section of the Talking Cents blog to learn about everything from the student loan rate increase to student loan forgiveness, cancellation, and discharge. If you armed with the right information, paying off debt will be less intimidating.