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Inexpensive Easter Basket Ideas to Avoid Debt

Are you working through a debt management program? If the thought of spending money on Easter Baskets makes you cringe, don’t cancel your plans just yet. Instead, use some of these inexpensive Easter Basket tips to stay in the game.

If you're paying off debt, try these inexpensive Easter basket tips!

If you’re paying off debt, try these inexpensive Easter basket tips!

Making Your Own Inexpensive Easter Baskets

Somewhere along the way, the Easter basket tradition exploded. While the Easter egg hunt if fun, the basket has the real goodies. Toys treats and sometimes money can be found in these gems. However, if you are cutting back on spending while in debt management, it might seem too difficult or even silly to purchase Easter baskets.

Even though you are in debt, life goes on; you can still have fun within a budget! Here are some tips to create your own inexpensive Easter baskets.

12 Inexpensive Easter Basket Tricks

  • Buy a big package of cookies and wrap a few of them into a bundle for each basket.
  • Cut up colorful paper for the grass. This is better for the environment and can be found around the house. You can also use your paper shredder!
  • Create one family basket. This may not work for younger kids, especially if they expect their own baskets, but it can be a good option for an older crowd.
  • Spend money on nice baskets. If you buy retail, invest in quality baskets so they last.
  • Search for baskets at the thrift store. Every thrift shop I have ever visited has had a large collection of baskets for sale.
  • Board books are inexpensive great gifts for toddlers.
  • New sippy or straw cups can make an excellent gift and serve a real purpose.
  • Hair ties or brushes can also be a great gift for girls while fulfilling an actual need.
  • Split a gift among the baskets so that each has one piece of the whole. Give one child markers, another a coloring book, and another glitter pens or crazy scissors.
  • Break up any set to provide more gifts. Magnet sets and bubble kits are examples of gifts that can be spread across multiple baskets while still feeling like an individual gift for each person.
  • Use a beach pail as the basket. Then you can use it at the beach.
  • Buy one bag of candy, like M&M’s, and spread it between the baskets.

Hopefully, these tips can help you to start or continue this fun Easter tradition. Before shopping, crunch the numbers to know how much you can pull from your budget without creating any more consumer debt.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

ABOUT AUTHOR / Michelle Kraines

Michelle was a regular contributor to Talking Cents. She has taken several financial courses on debt management and is ready to circulate what she has learned from them as well as lessons from her own life- family to DIY projects to student loan debt.

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