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Relationships And Money Challenges

Money is a very taboo topic in many relationships. Tensions often arise from a lack of understanding and poor communication. Don’t let money negatively affect your relationship. As a nonprofit credit counseling agency, ACCC is here to help. Let’s find out how to balance relationships and money.

Here's our credit counseling advice for relationships and money.

Here’s our credit counseling advice for relationships and money.

Negative Affect of Money on Relationships

In a recent ACCC poll, it was clear that money and financial issues are the leading causes of stress in relationships. 67% of respondents said that they argue about money and 79% said that it puts a strain on their relationship. Overwhelmingly, poor communication and disagreements about money can negatively affect relationships.

While a long relationship gains many positive qualities and experiences, it statistically means you may fight more over money as houses, children and cars come into play. Similarly, as careers extend and salaries increase, so does the amount of stress negatively affecting your relationship.

How Can You Improve the Affect of Money on a Relationship?

Understanding Each Other’s Money Personalities

Money personalities are often opposite in a couple. One person might like to save every penny for the future and the other person might want to spend all the time. Understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, priorities and styles, will allow a couple to move forward in a positive direction.

Set Financial Goals Together

Regardless of your money personality, couples need to work together to set financial goals. As with most relationships, each person needs to be willing to compromise. For the saver, it means each person must stick to the budget. For the spender, it means making sure the budget includes room for some freedom to splurge once in a while.

Share Your Financial Histories

Be upfront about your financial histories. Credit, bankruptcies and debt all need to be discussed. Your past, present and future financial selves are linked together as a couple. Work together to improve negative areas in your personal finances so nothing will stop you from your goals. As your partner shares, try and hold back judgment. Everyone makes mistakes, especially if they never learned good financial habits.

Positive Affect of Money on Relationships

Money will affect your relationship one way or the other. Most likely, it will affect it both negatively and positively throughout the course of your time as a couple. Give yourselves the best chance possible by talking through financial habits, goals and histories early in the relationship. From there, each of you will better understand the other and grow closer together instead of apart.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

ABOUT AUTHOR / Michelle Kraines

Michelle was a regular contributor to Talking Cents. She has taken several financial courses on debt management and is ready to circulate what she has learned from them as well as lessons from her own life- family to DIY projects to student loan debt.

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