Managing Your Money

American Consumer Credit Counseling, along with fellow Massachusetts Financial Education Collaborative (MFEC) members and other partners, collaborated with MassSaves to host the first annual State House Financial Capability Day. During the event, community outreach staff members Matt Paradise and Sue Katz spoke to the crowd, giving advice and insight on money management and the need for Financial Capability Day.


February 28, 2014

Making a big purchase, like on a car or a home, can be stressful. That’s why state officials have launched a campaign aimed to help you manage your finances.

The State House celebrated its first annual Financial Capability Day supporting MassSaves, a program that offers financial services for Massachusetts residents. MassSaves connects people in need of financial advice with more than 200 FREE resources that will help you draw out goals and map out a plan to achieve them.

“We don’t just do savings, we actually do all kinds of financial capability training and support, asset development, that means helping people create savings accounts to go to school, to buy cars, to buy a home, and even to do professional development,” said program director Nika Elugardo.

Nika told 22News she believes the campaign will help Massachusetts become a national model for financial security.